Refund Policy

Refunds and Returns Policy

If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help.

Our products can be returned within 30 days of the original purchase of the product online and in-store. A new product may be exchanged for another product or returned for a full refund.

**Special condition applies to clients that work with contracted builders & renovators. Your refund won’t meet outlined criteria above and we won’t be able to process your 100% refund in case your builder goes broke and/or cannot finish your build.  


Faulty or Damaged Items

In any case of items arriving broken or faulty, please get in contact with us within 48 hours of receiving your items in order for our staff to investigate. We may request photos and proof of purchase of the faulty/broken item to make the situation an ease to deal with. Please DO NOT accept packages that have obvious external visual defects.


To be eligible for a return, please make sure that:

  • The product was purchased in the last 30 days
  • The product is in its original packaging
  • The product has a manufacturer warranty
  • The product was delivered faulty or damaged
  • The product was not on sale
  • You have the receipt or proof of purchase
  • You obtained a Return Merchandise Number (RMN) from us

Products that do not meet these criteria will not be considered for return or full refund.

To obtain a Return Merchandise Number (RMN) and further instructions on your return & refund, please contact us by email: or use our instant contact form here

Shipping charges

Shipping charges incurred in connection with the return of a product are refundable.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us: or use our instant contact form for any other enquiries here