Meir Builders Range is Here!

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Meir Builders Range Tapware is Here!

We are excited to announce that Meir’s Builders Range “Kitt Pro.” will be available to shop in January 2021!!!

“Details are the difference between something good, and something great.”

“Conceived by the industry, for the industry, Kitt Pro. is a range of functional, affordable and durable products, with no compromise on quality or design. Created for building professionals and discerning consumers alike, Kitt Pro has been painstakingly engineered to meet an exceptional standard of quality that you can rely on.”

– Meir-


“Stylish. Reliable. Affordable. Accessible. Simple to Install. Matte Black, Chrome & PVD Gold.”

“It’s a Real Game Changer”

-Tap and Sink-


P.S. Prices & brochures available by request only and are subject of strict advertising rules & guidelines by the manufacturer. Request your digital brochure here

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