Archive by category "Company News"

We are excited to announce that Seima Undermount Basins Are Soon Landing in Our Store!  Great variety of undermount basins with multiple choice of colours are soon be available to purchase in our store, so watch out for our regular updates and news!   -Tap and Sink Team-  
Are You A Builder, Renovator or Developer? Meir Builders Range Tapware “Kit Pro.” is Now Available! This Kit Pro. by Meir has been specifically designed for professionals that deal with renovations, home builders and developers. Builders range affordable prices combined with high quality product is Meir’s Kit Pro. unique selling point that many other manufacturers […]
To all our Tap and Sink visitors and returning customers, we wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May 2021 bring you joy, happiness, strong health and prosperity.   Seasonal greetings! Tap and Sink Team
Meir Builders Range Tapware is Here! We are excited to announce that Meir’s Builders Range “Kitt Pro.” will be available to shop in January 2021!!! “Details are the difference between something good, and something great.” “Conceived by the industry, for the industry, Kitt Pro. is a range of functional, affordable and durable products, with no […]
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